Most people believe that essential oils are totally natural and this belief is justified to a certain extent. When one buys a bottle of undiluted pure essential oil, the expectation is to get pure oil derived from various natural and organic sources. However, those labelled as organic essential oils and those that are not are remarkably different.
When buying essential oils the expectation is that one will get their money’s worth. Pure essential oils certainly don’t come cheap and a typical bottle can cost upwards of 15 dollars.
Organic aromatherapy oils are derived from plants grown free of fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals. Non-organic oils are derived from products that use such products. The best way to check if a particular product is ‘organic’ is to check the label.
One thing to keep in mind is that for the most part it is impossible to tell organic and non-organic essential oils apart. In fact, it might be hard to find organic essential oils. If one were to find them, they would come at a premium price.
The reason why this is so is that most companies that produce and sell the essential oils are also third party buyers. They don’t grow their own trees, plants, or flowers to produce the oils. They simply buy the oil and even they for the most part cannot tell whether the original grower used or didn’t use fertilizers or chemicals when growing the product.
Some essential oils are promoted as organic but in reality this is not always the case. The bottom line is that if an individual does not care whether essential oils are organic or non-organic, it will be impossible to tell the difference when using the product.
Most users of organic essential oils love to know that they are playing their role in environmental conservation and will therefore use organic products wherever applicable. While it might not be impossible to find truly organic essential oils, it is advisable to search in the right places.
Today, some health food stores do stock this type of oil and some online stores specialize in the sale of truly organic essential oils. If in search of truly organic products, it is best to look out for products certified as organic. If uncertainty persists, it is best to call the company and ask for certification that the product is as certified.
Currently, the USDA organic standards stipulate that for a product to be labelled as organic, it must contain over 95 percent of organically certified ingredients in it.
Essential oils are both seasonal and derived from flowers and plants found all over the world. This means that some products may come from countries with no standards justifying organic or non-organic. It is therefore possible to find essential oils that are organic but are not always labelled as such.
Organic aromatherapy oils are important particularly for those that care about environmental conservation. Since it is hard to tell organic and non-organic essential oils apart, it is always good to inquire whether a particular product is organic. This is the best way to determine whether a particular product is truly organic.
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